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The Simple Truth About Erotic Romance


Updated: Oct 24, 2023

When it comes to romance, almost nothing sells like Erotica. But do you have an idea why?

For it is clear: That subgenre of sensual sex that slides into our homes and rests on our bookshelves, waiting for those lonely nights when it’s chilly outside and the fire’s calling.

We open a book and magically become a billionaire’s office assistant and late-night bed buddy, or we become a plain Jane pursued by a would-be suitor who’s more adept at bedroom affairs than business ones.

Those steamy sex scenes and ultra-masculine protagonists fit into several equally interesting categories when it comes to high-heat, steamy romance. Thankfully we love all of them, because all sublets of erotica deserve to be well-loved and well-read by fans of the romance subgenre.

So, without further ado, here are just a few of the characteristics of that flavorful and enjoyable subgenre we call erotic romance:

  • Sex Sells - Erotic Romance is labeled as erotic for one distinctive reason: Sex. And we, as adults, all know that sex sells. While the degree to which sexual scenarios are described can certainly vary by author, it will always include some sort of sexual situation.

  • Warnings - Erotic romance includes themes and steamy scenes that are so provocative and sexual in content and context that if they didn’t come with a label, someone would certainly get sued. Think about your favorite male protagonist or your favorite novel and then imagine your pre-teen daughter finding that novel. That’s why sexy books will always get a bold print warning.

  • Everything is permitted - When it comes to erotic romance, everything is permitted. And we do mean everything! Often known as smut, erotic literature has a vast and widely varying degree of scenarios that can be entertained within the confines of an individual story.

What you can expect within the Erotic Romance Genre

In order to understand what we mean with everything is permitted, just look at the short list of types of tales and sex scenes which can be found within Erotica. While this list is certainly not complete by any stretch of the imagination, it does hit on some of the hotter subtexts of the erotic romance subgenre.

  • Age-play - the sexual involvement of someone who is usually underage, but may also be quite elderly. The age-gap also fits into this category, (i.e. older man with a younger woman and vice-versa).

  • Fetishes - these can run the gambit and include all sorts of odd and even awkward scenarios.

  • Toys - these are usually described loosely with the focused being on the pleasure they bring in not the actual description of the toy itself.

  • Anal and Oral Play - the descriptive scenarios of anal and oral sex and all positions outside the common missionary position.

  • BDSM - Bondage, Dominance, Sadism and Masochism-The BDSM section of erotica is a hot button straight to revenue when it comes to this subgenre of fiction, especially with the massively successful 50 Shades of Grey trilogy and the subsequent movies that followed.

  • LGBTQ+ - Representing the LGBTQ+ community in erotic romance has exploded in the last few years and the number of stories containing representations of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, pansexual and all other relationship aspects of this diverse group have paved the way for love and sex to be expressed in ways that communicate acceptance to couples who have long been on the outside looking in.

  • Menage or Harems - Threesomes, while still a bit taboo are becoming much more acceptable as polyamory and polygamy become more commonplace and accepted.

  • Gangbangs - Stories about group sex in all forms: from more romantic to more kind of group-rape stories.

  • Dark or Thriller - Erotic stories in which sex plays a role but is combined with suspense and thrills. These stories give the sensual parts often a completely different flavour, as the sex is embedded in such a thrilling context.

  • Paranormal - herein you're dragged into fantastical worlds of fairies, vampires, witches and the sort. If you fit with the idea of fantasy combined with eroticism, you're right in this genre!

  • Historical - this genre is notable for its steamy scenes, interesting character development, and witty dialogue that will keep you turning page after page. Even better, some of the best novels are able to recreate accurate historical settings so that you'll feel as if you're immersed in that time period. And if you like the idea of chivalry and morale, you will find endless steamy stories for your bookshelf.

Have you ever thought about Quality? Here is what it is for us...

However, we think that there have to be some features within an Erotic Story which have to be fulfilled in order to make it a great example of Erotic Literature:

  • Story Lines - with all romance and books in general: the story matters and stories with hot sex scenes are no different. Sure, we could deal with the occasional hookup, if that’s in the character’s natural habit. We can deal with the flirtatious virgin getting with the handsome rake: but what we can’t deal with is a story line that combines tropes that don’t work together. For instance, an amnesia trope isn’t likely to work well with a wounded hero trope. Especially if the wounded hero is brackish and bullish. Storylines have to work and work well, or the sex just won’t fit.

  • Timelines - One thing that can never, and we do mean never, go unbalanced is the general timeline of a story arc. Mess up the timeline and your readers will eat you for lunch, not to mention they’ll likely abandon reading your material. If you want erotic fiction that works, the timeline has to be spot on. This is especially true with historical erotic romance, because you’re dealing in a time when sex was risqué to say the least and only talked about in the context of a bordello or a whorehouse.

Why also Erotica provides a huge value for society

Picture of a woman lying on the bed. Symbol for Erotic Romance

There is no mistaking that sex sells. And that it has never been easier to sell erotic stories in all its multifaceted splendor. As COVID-19 lingers and the pandemic wears on, more and more people are still stuck in situations that make physical and specifically sexual contact either pointless or dangerous. Sometimes just being able to escape into a world where two people are engaging in really great sex is enough to relieve some of that tension.

And sometimes it’s a life saver. According to a study by The Reading Agency of 2015, reading is good for both relationships and depression. It improves most relationships and decreases depression symptoms. In a time when mental health is strained due to everything and everyone being closed off and shut up, reading can become a lifeline to positive mental health and can truly save lives during such a trying time.

Don't worry - enjoy!

Just in case you’re having an attack of conscience, trust me, we’ve all been there.

There is nothing wrong or unseemly about reading and even enjoying erotic romance.

While most stories are going to paint the sex as uber phenomenal where both partners always get their rocks off, it’s okay to know that the real world doesn’t always work that way.

It’s okay to dabble in sex that you’ll never venture to have yourself or engage in a fantasy that will always remain just that: a curious dream. No one is going to judge you for it and if they do it’s certainly their loss.

So, when you purchase your next Kindle book or snap up a new book while visiting Walmart or Barnes and Noble: don’t forget that it’s okay to wander over to the Erotica section!

You’ll be in pleasant company and let’s face it: it’s so much more enjoyable than skimming the Want ads for the hundredth time or picking up an outdated magazine to peruse.

Ready for some reading ideas?

If we can’t live a little in today’s world with a pandemic pushing us to isolate everything we do, when can we? Read on my fellow word lovers’. And if you need some inspiration what to read, check out our top lists today!

Or do you want to tiptoe into the Erotic Romance Genre - for FREE?

Then do not miss to download out free prequel of the Forbidden Series! is a homepage dedicated completely to Erotic Literature. We love the variety this genre of Literature provides. Therefore we try to bring to you all the different facets Erotica provides. On you can find articles on erotic stories which are purely sweet, funny or have a historical setting or cover certain preferences like, lesbian, gay, BDSM or are located in a more special subgenre like paranormal oder mind control stories… In order to give you a short overview of which sort of stories we’re talking about, we always try to shortly say something about the speciality of the genre first and then, most importantly, give you some awesome reading ideas. And furthermore we provide you with interviews of authors which write in different genres and are maybe not known to you yet. So do not miss to discover new writers and hear about their motivation and love for Erotic Literature from the first hand.

And yes, on you will find links to those greatest reads. We are partner in Amazon’s affiliate program. This shall help us to finance some of the costs which arise. So we do highly appreciate if you would buy your books through our links.


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