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The Best Sex Positions Book You Need to Read? A Guide


Updated: Nov 16, 2023

The truth is, sex can get a little stale.

It's just a fact of life: humans are creatures of habit, and this extends even to what happens between the sheets. It's easy to fall into a routine - but sex isn't about routine.

Sex is about spontaneity, creativity, and exploration.

So what do you do when your sex life becomes boring? You turn to books for advice and inspiration, of course!

And that's where we can help. Whether it's the latest Tantric Sex Book, an inspiring Erotic romance, or a steamy Sex Position Book:

we've compiled a list of the best sex books to add to your library.

Take a look at our selections, but be careful - just thinking about some of these books will be enough to get you randy in the best way possible.

Woman in Red Tanktop by Anna Tarazevich, Couple having sex in a special Sex Position in an article about the best Sex Positions Books

Overview of the best Sex Positions Books

Before we get into the details about each book, you can get a quick overview here.

This way you'll quickly find out which one offers the most for you, so either click through the slide show or watch our short video about the Best Sex Positions Books.

Afterwards, you can check out the detailed book description of the copy that appeals to you the most below!

Have fun!

Summary Video of the Best Sex Positions Books!

Summary Slide Show of the Best Sex Positions Books!

Detailed Information about our Selection of the Best Books to learn new Sex Positions

101 Nights of Great Sex by Laura Corn, best Sex Position Book, Sex Manual explaining Sex Positions for Couples

First, let's kick off our guide to the best sex books with this little gem.

It happens to be one of the best-loved guides to sex positions and sexual acrobatics on the market.

Don't take our word for it: Hollywood starlets, physicians, and even respected wellness gurus heap praise on this sex manual for helping couples reignite their sexual passion.

The book actually contains 101 sealed envelopes—50 for each half of the couple, and a bonus extra for a little ménage à trois action, if you're into that sort of thing.

When you're ready to spice up your bedroom adventures, just open up an envelope for a special activity for you and your partner. It's a fun and imaginative way to reach that ultimate destination: better sex.

#2 Women's Anatomy of Arousal: Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure by Sheri Winston

Sex Eduction book Women's Anatomy of Arousal, Sex Position book, Book about the anatomy of the woman for having good sex

Sheri Winston's tome on the intricacies and details of female arousal is truly a masterpiece of sexual erudition.

And that's why this book is so important. The difference between okay and even good sex, and the best sex possible, comes down to an intimate knowledge of female sexual anatomy.

Don't worry, though - Sheri Winston has you covered. She's the executive director of the New York-based Center for the Intimate Arts, which means she's a bona fide "sexpert."

#3 Position of the Day: Sex Every Day in Every Way by Nerve

Book Cover of Position of the Day Sex every day in every way, Comprehensive book about Sex Positions

If you're looking for a comprehensive sex position book, then look no further.

Position of the Day is where to turn when the old, boring missionary standby starts to get a little stale.

Sometimes it's necessary to strike out for new territories and begin exploring unknown geographies of your partner's body.

This book helps by providing 366 erotic scenarios that are perfect for experimentation each and every day of the year including leap years.

Some positions are well-known and easy, others are downright insane and guaranteed to exhaust you and your partner's sexual potential. When you're ready to get out of a rut, and start rutting creatively, give this book a try.

#4 Kama Sutra Workout - The Best Tantric Sex Book

Kama Sutra Workout book about Kama Sutra Sex Positions, best Tantric Sex Book, Sex Positions to train and get fit

Kama Sutra is an ancient art that has persisted for centuries - and it still inspires lovers today.

One of the more creative ways to explore what the Kama Sutra has to offer is to combine its plethora of sexual positions with a fitness workout.

And this is precisely what the tantric sex book Kama Sutra Workout is all about. There's already quite a fitness routine in sexual gymnastics, as everyone knows, but this book kicks it up a notch.

The positions included are tailored specially to tone various muscle groups, and the book is organized by difficulty and flexibility ratings.

By the way: if you are interested how to actually take your first steps into the world of tantric Sex - check out our Beginner's Guide to Tantra Sex!

#5 Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence by Esther Perel

Cover of the Sex Positions Book Mating in Captivity written by Esther Perel

Don't let the humorous title fool you. This is a great book, with important tips for reigniting intimacy and spicing up your sex routine.

Look, it's no secret that quarantining as a couple isn't exactly a walk in the park.

That's where Mating in Captivity can help couples who fear the thrill is gone through enforced cohabitation.

It's easy to fall into a stale routine, but this book helps couples explore ways to revive physical intimacy while living in close quarters.

Cover of the Big Black Book of Sex Positions, one of the best Sex Position Books, best Book about Sex Positions

If you're looking to get aroused, you could do worse than take a look at this sex position tome.

There's something for everyone in this black and gold, full-color, coffee table sex position book.

It takes you on a guided tour through all the ways to achieve legendary orgasms. It helps you understand the ins and outs (so to speak) of penetrative and oral sex, and illustrates more positions than you could ever imagine.

As a bonus, it includes sections on the use of sex toys and special positions for plus-sized and overweight couples.

#7 Curvy Girl Sex by Elle Chase

Cover of Curvy Girls Sex, Book about Sex Positions for curvy woman, Book about Body-Positive Sex Positions to empower Sex Life

And while we're on the subject of plus-sized gals, it's nice to have a sex position book that caters especially to their demographic.

That's where Curvy Girl Sex comes in.

It's a big, beautiful book for big, beautiful women, with plenty of recommendations for sex positions that are perfect for heftier ladies. It has a lot to say about the best sex toys for curvaceous women, as well as tips and techniques for affirming body positivity.

Cover of Getting it On by Paul Joannides, One of the best Sex Guide of all time

The title pretty much says it all.

This one's a few decades old, but it's tried and true.

In fact, the guide is often used in college and university sex-ed courses. But that doesn't mean it's stuffy and academic—au contraire, the book is conversational and quite entertaining.

The bottom line is this: if you're curious about getting it on, and maybe a little nervous about what to do and how to do it the right way, go ahead and give this guide a try.

#9 Come as You Are by Emily Nagoski

Cover of the book Come as You are from Emily Nagoski which is a book about sexual education, sex positivity and helps to improve sex life of couples

Emily Nagoski's little sex manual is just what you need to embrace your sexuality.

It's no secret that most public school (or any school) sex education is atrocious.

So it should surprise absolutely no one that people may imagine their sexual kinks and predilections are unusual or even taboo.

Come As You Are dispels many of these myths and taboos, and teaches you all about your body and how to get and stay aroused.

#10 7 Steps to Pain-Free Sex by Claudia Amherd

Cover of 7 Steps to Pain-Free Sex which is a book which helps with sex positions for couples of which the woman has pain during sex

Look, sometimes the obstruction to mind-blowing sex has nothing to do with flagging attraction or stale routines.

Medical, pain-inducing conditions can often get in the way of sexual intimacy, which is a terrible shame.

But this book addresses this issue and illustrates the ways in which readers can start enjoying pain-free, pleasurable sex once more.

So 7 Steps to Pain-Free Sex is definitely the choice for all couples who search for special sex positions due to physical (female) restrictions.

#11 Love Worth Making: How to Have Ridiculously Great Sex in a Long-Lasting Relationship by Stephen Snyder

Cover of the book Love Worth Making which is about How to have great sex in long-lasting relationships

Stephen Snyder, M.D., is a relationship and sex therapist who has made a name for himself with his original approach to thinking about sex.

And it all comes down to learning how to inject some interest into a monogamous relationship. This book includes many fascinating stories culled from Dr. Snyder's extensive career, and these help to illustrate his approach to achieving sex that is both fulfilling and connects couples instead of pushing them apart.

Whether you're in the midst of a long-term relationship, or you've just embarked on one, this book can help you learn the secrets to lasting physical intimacy.

#12 She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman by Ian Kerner

Cover of the Book She Comes First which helps with advice and guidance for men of how to pleasure a woman in bed and gives important tips for men for great sex positions for women

Hands down, this is the ultimate guide to female pleasure and female orgasms.

After all, it has a high rating on Amazon and has sold over 300,000 copies. It's one of the best sex books out there and covers numerous sex positions and activities aimed at bringing that special woman in your life to climax.

In short, this handy manual concentrates on the ladies and their bedroom needs, and the result is a much more satisfying and fulfilling sex life for everyone concerned.

#13 The Joy of Sex: The Ultimate Revised Edition by Alex Comfort

Cover of the classic Sex Education Book the Joy of Sex

The Joy of Sex tells you everything you need to know about…well, the joy of sex.

Dr. Alex Comfort's classic sex book has been a smash bestseller since it was first published in 1972.

The most recent edition has been brought up to date by the relationship psychologist Susan Quilliam, so you don't have to worry about acquiring any sexual habits with a distinct seventies aroma. This one's a classic for a reason, so do yourself a favor and give it a read to start having the best sex of your life.

#14 The Original Kama Sutra by Mallynaga Vastyayana

The original Kama Sutra Tantric Sex Book which explains the 64 classic Kama Sutra Sex Positions with illustrations, Illustrated Tantra Sex Book

Sometimes it's best to just return to the source.

The Kama Sutra is the original tantric sex book, but it is about so much more.

You'll find the classic 64 sexual positions, together with the instructions for achieving them, which have been practiced for so long. But you'll also learn the art of living well, and of how to find the right partner.

As far as the present edition is concerned, this book has well over 300 full-color illustrations to help instruct you as well as get you in the proper mood.

#15 The Modern Kama Sutra by Kamini Thomas

Cover of the Modern Kama Sutra Sex Book which explains Tantra Sex Positions with Photographs. Tantric Sex Book

On the other hand, perhaps you'd like something a little more suited to modern tastes.

The modern Kama Sutra was composed in 2005 and is lavishly illustrated with photographs of actual models performing the indicated sex positions.

The book also includes a number of helpful difficulty ratings, plus a more detailed, step-by-step exposition of how to attain each position.

Cover of the Sex Position book The Sex Bible which helps people over 50 years with dedicated Sex Positions and tips for a great love life above 50. Tantric Sex Book for people over 50

Believe it or not, sex doesn't end at age 50. Or at least it shouldn't, though it probably does for most.

In any case, The Sex Bible for People Over 50 is all about achieving adventurous sex positions for those whose bodies are a little worse for wear. It has a lot to say about sexual positions for mature couples, of course.

But it also explores different skills like better communications, the use of special sex toys, how to attain longer-lasting foreplay sessions, and advice tailored to the changing conditions of life beyond 50.

#17 The Little Black Book of Sex Positions by Dan & Jennifer Baritchi

Cover of one of the best Sex Position Book which is called The Little Black Book of Sex Positions

Think of this volume as the little sister to the aforementioned Big Black Book of Sex Positions.

It's a smaller, sleeker hardcover that doesn't look out of place on a nightstand - ready to go at a moment's notice.

If it's a sex position book you want, then look no further. This one explores plenty of novel positions, with exotic names like Pirate's Bounty, Deep Impact, Rodeo, Forbidden Fruit, and YMCA.

There are hundreds of such sex positions, all with detailed descriptions for how they work, how difficult they are, and how much pleasure they will unleash. If you don't already have this book, you need to get it now.

#18 Sex Positions Coloring Book: Playtime for Couples

Picture of a man and a woman in a special Sex Position from a Sex Positions Coloring Book for adults.

Finally, it's time for something a little more playful.

If you're not into big words and large blocks of text, you can opt for The Sex Positions Coloring Book.

It's a fun hobby and an instructive guide to sex positions, all in one book. There are more than 30 pages illustrating various sex positions, and each image tells you everything you need to know about getting intimate with your partner.

So you can rest your mind while coloring and be inspired for your next love adventure at the same time and together with your partner!

A Sex Position Book for Everyone

Whether you're looking for a tantric sex book, a sex book for curvy gals, or just a handy sex position book for new ideas, there's something for everyone.

There's no reason for you and your partner to remain stuck in the same old dull routine.

Sex should be an adventure, and there are plenty of guidebooks full of tips and advice.

We've listed only a few, but we think you'll find something to help you spice up your sex life.

Of course, nonfiction books aren't the only stimulants to sexual creativity. It helps to read something filthy every once in a while. So check out some of our free erotic stories while you're here. They're guaranteed to get you in the mood.

There is so much more to discover in Filthybooks!

Check out our different Top Lists and Sensual reading Ideas!

Sexy art picture of a nude woman sitting on the floor

We at Filthybooks are completely dedicated to steamy and sexy Books and Literature.

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So dive in and treat yourself with a different look into the world of Serotic Literature!


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