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Free Erotic First-Time Sex Stories


Updated: Aug 14, 2024

Our strong believe is that Erotic Fiction works as a stimulating read and We should all have the openness and courage to get involved.

We should all have the openness and courage to get involved.

And as always in matters of love and eroticism: an important element is variety and that we are addressed by different inspirations in different situations.

That's why we love erotic stories in all forms. From long novels with a pronounced development of the story and characters to short, hot stories that get straight to the point.

And it's to these short, sexy stories from real life that we return!

And do you remember how inspiring and special your first-time making love was?

How the butterflies tickled your stomach and the hormones made you lose control?

How you knew that it will happen now and how curiosity and nervousness took over?


Then don't waste any time and dive into the following sexy stories about the first time!

Sexy Woman lying on a bed used as a cover picture for free first-time sex stories provided by filthybooks




Real Life, First-Time Sex Stories which give you all you need!

To let you faster jump to your personal choice, here is the overview over all stories!

If that's not enough for you, just check out here to find many more free sex stories!

But now, without further ado, let's have fun!



Have you ever seen someone and decided that you were going to fuck the soul out of this person?

I hear it happens to all of us, even the best of us, except those who are not attracted to others.

I was in my college freshman year, and I would occasionally work at this bar to earn some extra cash. My parents did not approve, but they were not in town to stop me. Besides, I was tired of hearing their domineering voices about what I should and shouldn’t do.

At 18, I was still a virgin all because of them. I don’t really think that is a bad thing now. But then I was mad at them. My friends usually told me about the boys they had been with. They painted sex in such a way that I knew that I was missing out on a lot of things.

I was certain I would find someone to fuck immediately after I got to college.

However, when I got to college, all of my initial fire died down. I didn’t know if I was afraid of it or I just hadn’t found the right man. I wasn’t interested in the boys my girls did it with.

But on that particular night, Cherry, my fellow worker decided she had a night out, and could I cover for her. It meant extra money, and I was really starved for cash. So I took it.

Graphic of how to have better sex with Cheex, a masterclass in sex education with a sign up button

It was that same night that he walked into the bar. His hair was black except for a thinning gray in the middle.

His eyes were gray and looked like they could pierce through my mind. Instead of sitting at a table and signaling me over. He walked to the counter and rested on it, slightly bent.

“What can you give me?” he asked.

I reeled out the names of the drinks we had, but he wanted a cocktail mix. I didn’t know that. He called exotic names, but the only one I caught was Long Island. I was busy looking at his cute lips. They looked like they belonged on the face of a soft lady instead of his rugged face with a full beard.

“I can show you how they are made,” he said. “I have a bar at home.”

At six feet tall, he towered over me and looked like he was ten years my senior, but I was so hooked that I simply agreed to follow him home.

He left, promising to come back when I was done with work. It was after he left that I realized what I had done. The man had charmed my mind, and I didn’t even know his name.

At the close of work, I came out, more afraid than adventurous. I was going to get on the bus and head home. But he was there. And his body reminded me of the stories I could tell my girls later.

Cover picture of the Free Erotic Romance E-Book Forbidden Complication from Filthybooks

Roy, that was the name he told me, allowed his self-driving Tesla to take us to his house.

“Do you always show off this way?” I ask.

“No,” he replied. “I have another way in mind.”

It was not the drinks either, which he mixed with such dexterity that I didn’t grow tired of watching him. In no time, I was free with him, giggling, laughing, and even doing a little demonstration. He had this free-spirited aura about him that parted him from his money.

I was telling him about a funny incident in school when he leaned in and kissed me.

I can't say that I was entirely shocked.

I knew something was going to happen, but I didn't know how it would start. In no time, he was all over my body, breaking down my resistance like they were dust coatings on the surface of some furniture that he could just blow away.

My nipples were taut as he ran his hands over them, my clothing discarded somewhere in the room. His tongue went to action next.

I had made out with guys before, but I had never allowed it to go to second base. I was afraid of what they would think of my body. But Roy, he looked like he was fascinated by it.

His hands trailed my sides, raising goosebumps on my skin.

I was dripping with wetness when he finally fixed a condom to his dick and tried to slip in.

“You are a virgin,” he said. I nodded.

I drew him closer and kissed his lips myself when I noticed that he wanted to stop.

Even with his lubricant and my wetness, the breaking-in flashed pain around my midsection. Then he started to move slowly inside me, distracting me with his tongue rolling on my nipples.

The pain moved to the background, and I was taken with how he rolled his waist. At first, he just moved slowly, but then he suddenly pinned both of my hands above my head and increased the pace of his thrusts.

In this vulnerable position where I could do nothing, he was sucking my nipples as well. I wanted to grab his hair and run my hands through it. I wanted to feel his powerful back with my hands. But I could do none of that, not while my hands were pinned above my head.

What I could do though was moan and scream as he broke into me, filling every space inside of me as if he was still expanding.

The first tremor that rolled through my body, I thought it was orgasm. But it seemed too small to be that. And besides, Roy would not stop pounding.

Another tremor shook my body, bigger than the last. However, it was only when I felt his manhood more inside of me that I realized what was happening. The quake that came this time took my reasoning away. I shook so violently that I felt my eyes would fall into my head.

When it finally stopped and I looked into Roy’s eyes, the smirk on his face told me I would come for this again and again.

And I did. Now, we’re married though. The odds.

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I was 22, and I wanted to get married a virgin.

I used to think this was my thought. Now, I don’t know if it was planted in my head by someone else.

Anyway, I had many boyfriends before I became 22. Everyone of them requested to taste the cookie, but I was not giving it, not until they asked for my hand in marriage. I believed it would be the reward for whoever stayed with me and decided to spend the rest of his life with me.

But all of this was until I met Flynn.

Flynn had the most disgusting sense of humor, but he also had a way to make it all seem so natural like he had said nothing wrong.

I was nursing a heartbreak from a recent breakup. My boyfriend of two months had decided that he was not going to put up with my rule anymore. He wanted sex, and if I was not ready to give it to him, then he could go get it elsewhere.

I uploaded a picture on my Facebook story, and he inboxes saying "Wow, you've got a big heart."

I wondered innocently how he could see through my chest to my heart, but I simply replied thank you. But he did not stop. Next was "If your heart gets too heavy, I can help you with it."

Normally, I would not be entertaining this kind of conversation where I was trying to figure out everything he was saying. But I was heartbroken and trying to get my boyfriend out of my mind. So, I carried on with it.

At first, they were mere insinuations, but then he started to get bolder. I realized my ‘heart’ was my boobs.

It was daring, insulting, and exciting at the same time.

I wanted to tell him to stop, but I couldn't. Besides, I had gone through his picture, and he had the kind of beauty that girls want. Thick lashes, full, pink lips, beard, the works. He looked tall, but I couldn't be so sure.

In no time we were already talking about sex. I told him I wasn’t sure that I would like it. He said we could place bets. He would make me like it.

He was a stranger just moments ago, and I was crying over my relationship. And already we were planning to have sex.

I tried to caution myself, but I was already burning at the thought of feeling him inside me. I lied about my sexual escapades. Then he invited me over.

He booked the Uber, and I only had to dress up and get into the car. In the car, I had held the mind to start going back.

All of that disappeared when I got to his place. He was rich. Everything in his house was automated. But that was not even what put me at ease. It was his easygoing smile, the way he joked with me like we were old friends.

We played games, spoke at night, and HD red wine. All the while I could not get my eyes away from his blue eyes.

When he made the first moves, I knew that I was going to give it all to him, marriage or not. His lips were hot on my lips, and his eyes burned with the things that he wanted to do to me.

Right there in his living room, he undressed me, spending time sucking my neck and my nipples. He didn’t stop to examine my body, but went lapped me up like he had been starved of sex for years. His tongue rolled over my nipple, and with his teeth, he held it in place.

He played with my clit. On my back, on that sofa, I was wondering if this was really happening, if I was going to get fucked by someone that I just met for the first time.

There was no time to feel bad, not when my sensory nerves were overloaded with the sensations he caused in my body.

I was wet and dripping by the time he pierced me. It almost ended my joy of sex. The pain stung me. He didn’t care.

He started thrusting very fast. On the tenth stroke, I realized that he had broken into me raw. It brought fear and excitement because of the disk I was taking.

The pain was overshadowed by bewildering sensations that left my mouth hanging open. As he fucked me, he nibbled at my ear. It was ticklish.

Next, he went for my neck, sucking and licking. I was sure I would have love marks the next day.

Flynn slipped out of me, but he was not done. He turned me and made sure I was on all my knees, holding the backrest of the sofa for support before he slid into me again.

From behind, it felt different. It felt like he was touching everywhere that needed to be touched inside. When he moved forward and squeezed my boobs, I lost control.

I became tighter, and he labored to keep up with his strokes. One, two, I came. I clung onto the seat and rode out the orgasm.

That night, I felt guilty for what I had done. My boyfriends had done more for me than this stranger and I had let him fuck me without marrying me.

Maybe he noticed my mood and showed me to my room. I didn’t think I would be able to look him in the face the next day.

However, early in the morning, I was at the door of his room, replaying the sex we had on his sofa. I fucked him two more times before I left for home, and I don’t regret it....

Sexy Woman holding a bottle of Champaign in front of her belly

Back to the story selection






I was 19, and I didn’t know I needed a man’s touch so much.

It was on a Friday evening after work. We had worked really hard that day, and Prisca decided that we had to cool off in some way. I agreed.

Prisca was the life of the party wherever she went, and anyway, I was trying to be like her.

We lived together in an apartment building, and I had seen guys come and go.

All of them seemed to be smitten with her, so none ever looked my way. So at 19, I was a virgin, not because I wanted it, but because I hadn't gotten the opportunity to get some action.

I was not terrible looking. I had a beautiful nose, full lips, and blue eyes. Prisca's blonde hair though and the delicate presentation of her body seemed to draw men to her like flies. I was no match, at least I didn’t think so.

Anyway, I followed Prisca to a club a bit removed from our workplace. It was buzzing when we came, lights, loud music bodies swaying on the dance floor.

We quickly realized we had to get high to enjoy the rest of the night, so we set to it. We were barely one shot down each when a generous gift came from a mysterious stranger. A full bottle of vodka when all we wanted to do was get high was the perfect gift.

The mystery guy turned out to be Prisca’s friend from high school, Jude, a walking sculpture of the perfect masculine specimen. He wore a t-shirt that threatened to burst at the sleeves because of his biceps. His Jaws were hard, and his eyes, dark black twinkled when he spoke with her. Again, she had found a man and I had nothing.

Prisca was delighted to see her friend again. As his house was close by, he invited us there. Prisca dragged me along at Jude’s prodding.

There was another guy when we got to the house. Mackey. He was taller than Jude and seemed bigger too. The first thing I noticed when we walked in was his eyes. They were green, and they never left my body.

Any time I caught him staring, he smiled.

Mackey seemed to be in his mid-twenties and looked like Jude’s older brother.

 Jude suggested we play a game, and everybody was in. The night was supposed to be fun. Truth or dare quickly turns into a make-out session for Prisca and her long-lost friend. They exit the living room, leaving me and Mackey.

“I dare you to kiss me,” Mackey said.

It was corny, but I didn’t really think of it. I was hot, and I knew it. I needed to fuck someone for the first time. Besides, the way Mackey had been looking at me was causing a pool to swell up between my legs.

I replied that it was corny. But I didn't finish before I felt his lips on mine. He pressed me down onto the sofa with his weight and continued kissing me.

At first, my brain struggled with it, but after I wrapped my hands around his muscular neck, I realized that I was too deep inside. I could feel his bulge pressing against my body. It was huge.

It seemed Prisca and her friend did not shut the bedroom door before her moans soon filled the room. It made us move faster.

Still, when I was finally unclad, Mackey pinned both of my hands above me and caressed my body with his free hand. He played around with one nipple, kneading it endlessly, while he sucked the life out of the other. I squirmed as he walked on me.

His tongue trailed down my lean tummy to my belly button. He kicked it a couple of times before he went to my abdomen and the scraggly hair that survived my shaving?

He played around here with his beard, then dove straight towards my clit.

My moan vied with Prisca's for the louder one, filling the house. His tongue rolled over it again and again. I could literally feel my water dampening the sofa, but Mackey did not mind.

Sexy man holding a cup of coffee in the morning after having his first-time sex

He hesitated when he realized I was a virgin. But I pushed him against myself. I could see his taut, swollen dick dangling from his hips, and I wanted it inside me.

When he slipped in, I wasn’t sure he would be able to thrust all the way to the end, but he did with his bare dick sliding against my wet walls.

He was on top of me. My hands felt his broad back as he dipped into me. He began slowly at first, then with both of my hands pinned atop my head again, he increased his spread.

I found myself screaming at the top of my lungs. I screamed. I moaned. I wriggled. It was too much for me, the sensations. At a point, I thought I was going to pass out when he bent toward my nipple and took the left one in his mouth while he was still thrusting. I didn't know that could be done.

I felt my insides contracting, so he had to move with more force. His thrust also slowed down. I was shaking like a leaf on a tree when I climaxed. He simply looked down at me with a smile on his face.

But that was not the end. He turned me over and pierced through me while I was in the doggy-style position. With his hand, he pressed my head into the sofa and continued from where he stopped.

My toes curled up. My breath ceased. I think, at a point, he had his leg on my head while he continued fucking me.

The next morning, I left with Prisca. Mackey didn’t ask for my contact. I didn’t ask for his either. That was the last time I saw him anyway.

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Book Cover of Erotic Romance Story Forbidden Complication by Filthybooks

Do not look futher for more stories which will keep you on the edge!

Check out our free Erotic Nurse Story "Filthy Nurse". You can read the whole five parts free online, but ony here on Filthybooks!

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